Thursday, 13 September 2012

A new day and I feel refreshed (again)

So it is nearly 13:00 and the Cell games are about to start in DBZ, pretty good timing to be honest that I made it hehe. I didn't go to bed a bit earlier but it was still 2am in the morning.

Now there has been a lot of focus in my vlogs this week about my anxiety and I would like to assure you all that I am on the right track and there is no real cause for concern. I am still powering through things and even though I have been a bit under the weather the past few days things will be just fine.

So anyway moving on from the "real stuff" hehe I am considering doing some live streams today and try to catch up on some lost momentum over the past few days. It is a shame I have had a bout like I have recently because as you know I have been trying to make the big push to 2,000 subscribers by the end of the month.

The main reason that I have found myself growing a lot quicker over the past couple of months is partly in thanks to the live streams that I do on YouTube. From what we have found out over the past month or so the statistics built up during the live stream such as average view time etc all get pumped into the actual video.  This is not suggesting that you guys do not help as all your support in comments and coming to the events really does mean something, even if not analytical.

So I am just considering doing a Guild Wars 2 stream, however really I should do more LOTRO, because if you consider it there are only four or so weeks until the expansion goes live. I just need to sit down and play the game super hard and I will make it. Maybe I can get some help from people on the server we will see. :) I am usually one of those people who will find it hard to accept help being a proud person but I guess some times you have to put them feelings to one side and get on with it.

Now just to catch you up on the recordings I have done so far..

Fallout: New Vegas

Right now I find that I am working through Freeside and have managed to help sort out some major problems in terms of addictions and food problems. There are enough videos available for around a week or so. Over the weekend I will look to build on this


Enough was enough with this LP as I neglected it, it had been hard to maintain this due to real life limiting time for each person to meet up to record etc (which is to no fault of anyone). So on monday evening, me Stevoid and Christine (a friend of Stevoid) got together to continue the LP. We managed to get around 8 episodes done before we decided that Christine needed some more levels under her belt. (Chris is half of our level and we should have not made her struggle hehe) To be continued..

Darksiders 2

I am not going to say too much apart from the fact the controls sucked and I lost patience with the game, so this will be on hold for the time being to get other projects up to speed. I do enjoy this game but with it being a bit of a pain in the butt I can happily put this on hold.

Other projects (such as The Walking Dead, Minecraft and DayZ)

The thing with these projects are, even though a lot of fun are something I will have to fit in at least in the short term. If you could see the list of the games that I need to cover (LOTRO on its own is a HUGE uptaking) you would be as shocked as I am. (I will talk about these projects in a future blog as the list is wow. 

Suffice it to say I will be looking to record and publish The Walking Dead Episodes 2 and 3 ASAP as these will only take around 2 hours to record. Also considering they will only be short LPs in their own mind I can get them out in quick succession giving me time before Episode 4 comes out sometime late October.

With minecraft I do have a stack of footage for a Tekkit series but right now it is on hold and needs rethinking. I really want to do the LP however I want to go through them and cut out a lot of trash to make the videos run well. Yeah the commentary we did was quirky but seeing me do the same mining over and over again can get old right? DayZ would be awesome to do but again I need to focus on the older projects but this is something that I would definitely look to get the ball rolling. Lets just see how things go though.

So to wrap things up

Today is just going to be a relaxing day before work tomorrow so lets see how things go. Thanks again for taking the time to read this and sorry for the long essay. :D

Have a great day all!


  1. No no, I like these blogs. Good to keep up to date on your recordings in written form, not just vlog form.

    I need to watch a few of your older LPs from the start, do a marathon of sorts!

  2. Hehe a lot of my older LPs are in desperate need of more episodes. :D

    I enjoy blogging so far, as you said though it really helps to have a written account of things going on. Glad you enjoy them and I am hoping this blog will also grow too. Thanks for following the blog mate! :D

  3. I like it mate, really like it, heh, the start fe, about dbz ^^, should watch it again soon :o.

    It's good to see you are refreshed again mate, am looking forward to the streams and about the subs, i also noticed they are raising pretty good, could be hard to get 2000+subs, but next month you will def get to the 2000+sub goal :)

    Keep 'em going mate!

    1. Yeah I agree, maybe if I can keep it up I will get there. I just wish I could do a giveaway for the 2,000 mark.
