At this point I really am starting to think I need to do something drastic like find another job, or go to the doctors. Either way I need to do something.
Well the D-Log for yesterday is late and will be going up as I write today's blog. Thanks to Keo, Nick, TheMerryUnicorn and Jake Williams for becoming followers I really do appreciate your support in the matter. (Novafrost you can follow too you know. :P) just like everyone else is.
I promise that the topic of anxiety will be something I try to not cover too much, heck I do not want you guys to get the same way hehe. I got paid by Machinima today for July's views which will go to some length to sort out a few little bits and pieces for sure. I just need to get through today though and the weekend will be here. I woke up this morning feeling a bit refreshed but as the hour progressed I again felt weird and under the weather.
I do have work later around 17:15 for four hours and will see how I handle that when I get in later. I just wish I could shake this feeling off because I know it is making me worse. What makes the matter funny though is the fact I know the problems are being fixed and will get sorted in time) I just wish I could flick a magic wand and they would all be resolved in a blink of an eye.
Staying positive though and I do need to prepare for the next quarter.
What's going on in the next few months:
Torchlight 2
As you all know on September 20th 2012 we will finally see the release of Torchlight 2 and it looks like me, Stevoid and Christine will likely be covering this as the time comes nearer. I already pre-ordered this title back in May I believe. That will be an interesting title for sure as I never really played the first but look forward to it. So expect this week to be a lot of coverage.
Lord of the Rings Online - Riders of Rohan
This of course will be the biggest title I will be pushing out content for when the game goes live on October 15th (pending any further [unlikely] delays). I really do not know if I will manage to get my Minstrel to level 75 before then though. However I will push as hard as I can, and would like to live stream the whole journey. This of course will be a bit tricky with time restraints such as work but I think a challenge like this might be fun.
Guild Wars 2
I will still be looking to cover Guild Wars 2 slowly, but not as intense as all the mainstream youtubers. I will just have too much going on to be able to do it justice. I will still do regular live streams of the game, I really do enjoy the PvP but as you know I have the other projects to work on.
Also note during all of these projects I have the long list of LPs to finish off which will take some time. However rest assured I aim to clear up these backlogs as much as I can over the winter months. Also expect to see more Slender, DayZ, The Walking dead and other good stuff.
The Walking Dead
This is something I rate high on my "To-Do" list and aim to have episodes 2 and 3 up within the next fortnight. Then there will just be the matter of Episodes 4 and 5. :) Nuff said!
As you will have also noticed I have wanted to cover Minecraft and do single player Lets Plays. However with the workload as it is and the fact I find it a little daunting, so I am considering working on the server again and do a MP run aswell as some maps and other cool stuff. At the moment though I do not expect there to be a rush of Minecraft stuff going up in the short term at least.
Games/other stuff I am unlikely / on the fence to do:
Call of Duty - Black Ops 2
Well as time comes closer I do not know what to think about this title. I usually sit there and go "lame" and all the other cusses people throw at the game. However even if the fun is short lived it is still pretty decent I guess.
Nintendo Wii U
This was a console that interested me and honestly it still does, but with money being tight at the moment I have had to write it off of the list. It would have been awesome to get one and show it off on the launch but that is just looking unlikely right now. Unless I get a huge view spike or possibly set up a chipin and see if people want to help then I do not see it happening. Sorry folks. ::-(
Well I just checked out the price for the console here in the UK and it will be £350 for a premium version with one game, so definitely out of my price range. Ah well.
Borderlands 2
I am pretty much not going to be following up from Borderlands, at least in the short term. I would love to get it but again it is a matter of getting #1 done first and the fact Torchlight 2 was scheduled to come out on the same day makes it tricky. I personally think for them to choose to pick the same day as Borderlands 2's launch is stupid as BL2 will obviously overshadow it like you wouldn't believe.
World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
No, sorry just not going there. Nothing else to see hehe.. move on.
I will wrap this up with a list of the other games I would like to get, but until someone upstairs looks after my bank balance they will be unlikely to arrive on my desk.
Resident Evil 6, but then as I look at the list there is not really that much going on that I want hehe. I guess this half of the year will be a quiet one. But yeah I just need to keep hoping things work out because I just do not know where my head is right now. Thanks again to all of the support and well wishes over this past week but I just need to get myself out of this mindset and start having fun again.
People say I need to get out a bit more and have fun, however when money is tight you really are limited to what you can do. Keeping a stiff upper lip though, as the saying goes.